Learning Resource Worksheet
- Please fill in the following chart below as you complete exercises under each topic. Once you have completed each exercise be sure to print a copy for submission as well as to include the URL on the worksheet. If the exercise you complete has an “email results to instructor” feature please forward the results to me at the following address: dclingwall@gmail.com.
- All students are required to complete at least 2 exercises from each topic during the first month of classes – this means you must have at least 18 checks on your completed sheet.
- Completed exercise hard copies will be collected for evaluation every Friday.
- As a final summative exercise, during the last week of January, we will look at the learning resource link “How to write a 5 paragraph essay.” Using this site as support, students will be required to write a take home essay that follows the 5 paragraph format. Details for this essay assignment will be distributed on Monday, Jan 28th.
- The completed worksheet is due February 1st.